Workshop 2010

AG Hochschulforschung + FREREF Réseau Uni 21

Empirical Evidence for the Development of the Bologna Process –
Contributions in Different European Countries

IV. International Workshop at the University of Konstanz
November 11th – 13th 2010


Thursday, November 11th 2010

Arrival and starting

19:30h Introductions and presentation of the Research Groups (Gasthaus Petershof)
20:00h Welcome Dinner (Gasthaus Petershof)

Friday, November 12th 2010


Address of welcome
Prof. Dr. Katharina Holzinger, Vice Rector, International Affairs,
University of Konstanz

Outline and opening of the workshop
Tino Bargel, Prof. Werner Georg, Monika Schmidt,
AG Hochschulforschung, University of Konstanz


Introductory lesson
The influence of research on the development of higher education in Europe
Prof. John Brennan, Centre for Higher Education Research and Information, London, GB


New evaluation criteria for higher education in France
Quality and equity in Higher Education

Dr. Laurent Lima, Prof. Gérard D’Aubigny, Dr.Catherine D’Aubigny, UPMF Grenoble, France

11:15h Coffee break

Bologna-Process and the effects on the integration of University students
Prof. Josep Masjuan and Dr. Marina Elias, UAB, Barcelona, Spain




Empirical Results of the new Students Evaluation in Lithuania
Prof. Ruta Braziene and Prof. Gediminas Merkys, KTU, Kaunas, Lithuania


Motivation for higher education: results of the empirical study at Kyiv University
Prof. Andrii Gorbachyk, Taras-Shevchenko-University, Kiev, Ukraine
Elite Institutional System of Higher Education in Ukraine: the current trends of development
Prof. Volodymyr Sudakov, Taras-Shevchenko-University, Kiev, Ukraine

16:00h Coffee break

Beyond Mobility and Transition: Professional Success.
Some Glances at the Situation of Austrian Graduates

Dr. Helmut Guggenberger, University of Klagenfurt, Austria


Completion Rates as a Performance Indicator: Influencing Factors
Dr. René Krempkow, Institut für Forschungsinformation und Qualitätssicherung, Bonn, Germany


Education and Work: Employability?
„If you think wrong, you can act right only accidentally“

Prof. Paul Kellermann, University of Klagenfurt, Austria

18:30h End of the session

Saturday, November 13th 2010


STUDENTS AND JUSTICE: Some students’ judgements
Equity and justice in Higher Education. The French case
Dr. Arielle Compeyron, UPMF Grenoble, France


Studying after Bologna in Switzerland: The students viewpoint
Dr. Jean-Francois Stassen, Piera dell’Ambrogio, University of Geneva, Switzerland

11:00h Coffee break

Social Background of Students and international Activities -
some Results of the Student Survey in Germany

The Bachelor in Germany: social inequality and study abroad
Tino Bargel, Prof. Werner Georg, Monika Schmidt,
AG Hochschulforschung, University of Konstanz


Outlook on further research and exchange


End of the workshop


Farewell Lunch