
“On little and grand narratives in Central Asia”

In her Keynote “On little and grand narratives in Central Asia” (28 March 2019), Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer investigates the inter-linkages between orality, narratives, textual production and textual artefacts. In the context of a workshop on “Central Asian Studies Inside Out. Challenging Grand Narratives”, organised by the Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS),




DGSKA 2019 in Konstanz

Die nächste Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie wird vom 29. September bis 2. Oktober 2019 an der Universität Konstanz stattfinden.

Workshop Programme Finalized

The programme of the workshop "Claiming Justice after Conflict. The Stateless, the Displaced and the Disappeared at the Margins of the State", co-organized by Yazid Ben-Hounet (EHESS) and Judith Beyer (University of Konstanz) is now finalized.

#AskForZarni Open Discussion

The campaign "AskForZarni" in Yangon fights sexual harrassment. On March 4, at 5pm at Hotel G and in collaboration with the Institut Francais de Birmanie, our PhD student Carolin Hirsch will talk about the campaign she helped launch last year. The event is part of a week-long programme on Women's Rights.

Schedule of Lectures at EHESS

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer received a fellowship at the renowned "l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales" (EHESS) in Paris. Now the schedule of her lectures has been published.

Sprechzeiten SoSe 2019

Sprechzeiten bei Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer im Sommersemester 2019: Mittwoch, 13.30h-15.00h.

Researcher from Myanmar

Nickey Diamond is a visiting researcher from Myanmar, preparing his PhD project at the Working Group Social and Political Anthropology from November to December 2018.

Judith Beyer is EHESS fellow

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer received a fellowship at the renowned "l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales" (EHESS) in Paris.

Newspaper article featured Carolin Hirsch

PhD candidate Carolin Hirsch was recently featured in an article of the "Passauer Neue Presse". In the interview with the local newspaper she discusses her project "Activist becomings in contemporary Myanmar" and shares insights of her work with Burmese Punks.