
Dr. Laszczkowski teaches another semester

He is currently substituting for Professor Judith Beyer.  He will teach "The State: Ethnographic Perspectives" (BA seminar) and "Anthropology of the State: Theory, Ethnography, Critique " (MA seminar) as well as a seminar en bloque on "The Politics of Place and Space".




Rivers Memorial Medal für Madeleine Reeves

Das britische Royal Anthropological Institute verleiht die prestigeträchtige Rivers Memorial Medal an die Ethnologin für ihre exzellenten Feldforschungen und Publikationen.

International Cooperation with Myanmar

Professor Than Pale from Yangon University and Professor Lwin Lwin Mon from Yadanabon University (Mandalay) spent six weeks in Konstanz as guests of anthropologists Professor Dr. Judith Beyer and Dr. Felix Girke.

Welcome, Mateusz Laszczkowski!

During the summer term, Mateusz Laszczkowski from the University of Warsaw has accepted the substitute professorship to teach courses in political anthropology. He is a political anthropologist working on activism, infrastructure and affect. His areas of research are Kazakhstan and Northern Italy. He will offer a seminar on "The introduction to the anthropology of activism" (BA-level) and two seminars in the Master programme "Anthropology and Sociology" on "Politics in Infrastructure: Power,…


Im Sommersemester 2018 und im Wintersemester 2018/2019 ist Prof. Judith Beyer Fellow am Kulturwissenschaftlichen Kolleg der Universität Konstanz (Institute for Advanced Study). Sprechstunden finden für die Betreuung von Abschlussarbeiten (BA, MA, Dr.phil) weiterhin  statt. Anmeldung bitte per Email.

Judith Beyer awarded Fernand Braudel Associate Directorship

In 2018, Judith Beyer is invited to spend one month as Associate Research Director (Directeur d’Études Associés) at the Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH) in Paris.

During her research stay, Judith Beyer will give lectures at the Collège de France (EHESS/CNRS), the Centre d’Études Turques, Ottomanes, Balkaniques et Centrasiatiques (CETOBAC), and the Centre d’Étude des Mouvements Sociaux (CEMS-IMM).

The Fernand Braudel Associate Directorship is an international mobility programme…