Current news

Nickey Diamond publishes in Routledge Handbook

Nickey Diamond co-wrote an article in „Routledge Handbook of Religion, Mass Atrocity, and Genocide” together with Ken MacLean. In their chapter “Dangerous Speech Cloaked in Saffron Robes. Race, religion and anti-Muslim violence in Myanmar”, the authors discuss how religious and political spheres in the country become diffused. They investigate anti-Muslim violence against, the ethnic group of Muslim Rohingya is committed in Myanmar.

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co-convenor of EASA-network: Prof. Dr. Beyer

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer is the new co-convenor of the EASA network "Anthropology of Law, Rights and Governance" (LAW NET) together with Prof. Julie Billaud (Geneva) and Dr. Agathe Mora (Sussex).

New publication: Judith Beyer und Felix Girke: "The State of Custom: Gerd Spittler’s “Dispute settlement in the shadow of Leviathan” (1980) today" for Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer and Dr. Felix Girke published an article on Gerd Spittlers "Streitregelung im Schatten des Leviathans. Eine Darstellung und Kritik rechtsethnologischer Untersuchungen“ [Dispute settlement in the shadow of Leviathan. An account and critique of legal anthropological investigations] (1980).

„When freedom is in danger”

The online magazine of the University of Konstanz “” reported about Nickey Diamond. After the military coup in Myanmar in February the life of the human rights activist and his family was in constant danger. After the situation worsened, his family flew. With the Hilde Domin Programme “Students at Risk” he received a stipend and now is a PhD-candidate at the working group of Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer. He will do his doctorate on “Anti-Muslim Hate Speech in Myanmar”.

MA-Bewerbungszeitraum endet am 15. Juli

Am 15. Juli 2021 endet der Bewerbungszeitraum für den Masterstudiengang Ethnologie und Soziologie an der Uni Konstanz für das Wintersemester 2021/2022.

Podcast 9B: coup in Myanmar

The doctoral candidates Carolin Hirsch and Benedict Mette-Starke talked about the repercussions, the coup on February, 01 2021 has on the societal and political situation in Myanmar in the podcast “9B” that is produced by the KIM [Communication, Information, Media Centre] at the University of Konstanz. The Myanmar experts spoke about how the coup affects the further implementation of their PhD-projects and the everyday lives of their research partners.

Carolin Hirsch publishes in „zwfu“

Carolin Hirsch published the paper “Religious Gift-Giving Turned Upside Down. On Monks and Punks in Myanmar”. In it, she explores and analyses the practice of gift-giving in the Buddhist characterized country Myanmar and how the practice is taken up and newly contextualised as socio-political protest by punks in the “Food not Bombs”-movement.

Nickey Diamond new PhD student

Ye Myint Win (Nickey Diamond) will start his PhD project entitled "Anti-Muslim Hate Speech in Myanmar" as a fellow of the "Students at Risk Hilde-Domin Programme" of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). He will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer.

Interview with Carolin Hirsch: „Punks not Coups!”

In an interview on Asia Art Tours, Carolin Hirsch talks about punk in Myanmar, her field research in Yangon and activist becomings of members of the “Rebel Community”, whom she thematises in her PhD-project. She furthermore reported on the social commitment of the punk band “Rebel Riot” and how it changed and evolved as reaction to the coronavirus pandemic and the military coup in February 2021.

Current news

Nickey Diamond publishes in Routledge Handbook

Nickey Diamond co-wrote an article in „Routledge Handbook of Religion, Mass Atrocity, and Genocide” together with Ken MacLean. In their chapter “Dangerous Speech Cloaked in Saffron Robes. Race, religion and anti-Muslim violence in Myanmar”, the authors discuss how religious and political spheres in the country become diffused. They investigate anti-Muslim violence against, the ethnic group of Muslim Rohingya is committed in Myanmar.

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co-convenor of EASA-network: Prof. Dr. Beyer

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer is the new co-convenor of the EASA network "Anthropology of Law, Rights and Governance" (LAW NET) together with Prof. Julie Billaud (Geneva) and Dr. Agathe Mora (Sussex).

New publication: Judith Beyer und Felix Girke: "The State of Custom: Gerd Spittler’s “Dispute settlement in the shadow of Leviathan” (1980) today" for Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer and Dr. Felix Girke published an article on Gerd Spittlers "Streitregelung im Schatten des Leviathans. Eine Darstellung und Kritik rechtsethnologischer Untersuchungen“ [Dispute settlement in the shadow of Leviathan. An account and critique of legal anthropological investigations] (1980).

„When freedom is in danger”

The online magazine of the University of Konstanz “” reported about Nickey Diamond. After the military coup in Myanmar in February the life of the human rights activist and his family was in constant danger. After the situation worsened, his family flew. With the Hilde Domin Programme “Students at Risk” he received a stipend and now is a PhD-candidate at the working group of Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer. He will do his doctorate on “Anti-Muslim Hate Speech in Myanmar”.

MA-Bewerbungszeitraum endet am 15. Juli

Am 15. Juli 2021 endet der Bewerbungszeitraum für den Masterstudiengang Ethnologie und Soziologie an der Uni Konstanz für das Wintersemester 2021/2022.

Podcast 9B: coup in Myanmar

The doctoral candidates Carolin Hirsch and Benedict Mette-Starke talked about the repercussions, the coup on February, 01 2021 has on the societal and political situation in Myanmar in the podcast “9B” that is produced by the KIM [Communication, Information, Media Centre] at the University of Konstanz. The Myanmar experts spoke about how the coup affects the further implementation of their PhD-projects and the everyday lives of their research partners.

Carolin Hirsch publishes in „zwfu“

Carolin Hirsch published the paper “Religious Gift-Giving Turned Upside Down. On Monks and Punks in Myanmar”. In it, she explores and analyses the practice of gift-giving in the Buddhist characterized country Myanmar and how the practice is taken up and newly contextualised as socio-political protest by punks in the “Food not Bombs”-movement.

Nickey Diamond new PhD student

Ye Myint Win (Nickey Diamond) will start his PhD project entitled "Anti-Muslim Hate Speech in Myanmar" as a fellow of the "Students at Risk Hilde-Domin Programme" of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). He will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer.

Interview with Carolin Hirsch: „Punks not Coups!”

In an interview on Asia Art Tours, Carolin Hirsch talks about punk in Myanmar, her field research in Yangon and activist becomings of members of the “Rebel Community”, whom she thematises in her PhD-project. She furthermore reported on the social commitment of the punk band “Rebel Riot” and how it changed and evolved as reaction to the coronavirus pandemic and the military coup in February 2021.