Current news

Nickey Diamond new PhD student

Ye Myint Win (Nickey Diamond) will start his PhD project entitled "Anti-Muslim Hate Speech in Myanmar" as a fellow of the "Students at Risk Hilde-Domin Programme" of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). He will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer.

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Interview with Carolin Hirsch: „Punks not Coups!”

In an interview on Asia Art Tours, Carolin Hirsch talks about punk in Myanmar, her field research in Yangon and activist becomings of members of the “Rebel Community”, whom she thematises in her PhD-project. She furthermore reported on the social commitment of the punk band “Rebel Riot” and how it changed and evolved as reaction to the coronavirus pandemic and the military coup in February 2021.

Interview with Carolin Hirsch on MEGAHEX.FM

Carolin Hirsch was interviewed on a special info feature on the radio station MHX. She contextualised the take-over of power by the military to the political history of the country and illustrated the everyday life and protest styles of the population of Myanmar nowadays.

„Female fighters for freedom and democracy”

In a piece at “high potential” PhD candidate Carolin Hirsch addresses the intensifying role, activist women play in non-democratic regimes. She discusses the position of women in Myanmar in a political and societal dimension and portrays two Burmese women’s activism and their protest practices against the military junta.

Förderung studentischer Forschungsinitiativen in der Stadt Konstanz

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer und Dr. Frank Oberzaucher haben finanzielle Mittel aus dem Teaching Innovation Fund der Universität Konstanz erhalten, um studentische Forschungsprojekte in der Stadt Konstanz zu realisieren. Das Projekt mit dem Titel „Die städtische Verwaltung als Forschungsfeld - Kommunikation, Diversität, Stadtentwicklung“ wurde zunächst für zwei Semester bewilligt.

Welcome Dr. Jon Schubert!

The working group Social and Political Anthropology of Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer welcomes Dr. Jon Schubert as a new member. Dr Schubert is an expert in political and economic anthropology. He works on political authority, infrastructures, sustainable urban development, the experience and memory of political violence, the impact of extractive industries and on transnational African trade. His regional expertise is in Angola and Mozambique.

Sarah Riebel on Myanmar

On the occasion of a vigil in solidarity with the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) and the people in Myanmar, which took place in Constance on March, 27, 2021, PhD candidate Sarah Riebel published an article on seemoz. She gives an overview on the seizure of power by the military junta in Myanmar and the violence the protestors are facing. Furthermore, she describes a measure suggested by the former UN special correspondent for Myanmar that depicts possibilities for the international community…

Die Lage in Myanmar

Benedict Mette-Starke spricht in einem Interview mit "radio eins" (30.03.2021) über die gegenwärtigen Proteste in Myanmar und den möglichen Einfluss der EU, Deutschland und den USA.

Current news

Nickey Diamond new PhD student

Ye Myint Win (Nickey Diamond) will start his PhD project entitled "Anti-Muslim Hate Speech in Myanmar" as a fellow of the "Students at Risk Hilde-Domin Programme" of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). He will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer.

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Interview with Carolin Hirsch: „Punks not Coups!”

In an interview on Asia Art Tours, Carolin Hirsch talks about punk in Myanmar, her field research in Yangon and activist becomings of members of the “Rebel Community”, whom she thematises in her PhD-project. She furthermore reported on the social commitment of the punk band “Rebel Riot” and how it changed and evolved as reaction to the coronavirus pandemic and the military coup in February 2021.

Interview with Carolin Hirsch on MEGAHEX.FM

Carolin Hirsch was interviewed on a special info feature on the radio station MHX. She contextualised the take-over of power by the military to the political history of the country and illustrated the everyday life and protest styles of the population of Myanmar nowadays.

„Female fighters for freedom and democracy”

In a piece at “high potential” PhD candidate Carolin Hirsch addresses the intensifying role, activist women play in non-democratic regimes. She discusses the position of women in Myanmar in a political and societal dimension and portrays two Burmese women’s activism and their protest practices against the military junta.

Förderung studentischer Forschungsinitiativen in der Stadt Konstanz

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer und Dr. Frank Oberzaucher haben finanzielle Mittel aus dem Teaching Innovation Fund der Universität Konstanz erhalten, um studentische Forschungsprojekte in der Stadt Konstanz zu realisieren. Das Projekt mit dem Titel „Die städtische Verwaltung als Forschungsfeld - Kommunikation, Diversität, Stadtentwicklung“ wurde zunächst für zwei Semester bewilligt.

Welcome Dr. Jon Schubert!

The working group Social and Political Anthropology of Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer welcomes Dr. Jon Schubert as a new member. Dr Schubert is an expert in political and economic anthropology. He works on political authority, infrastructures, sustainable urban development, the experience and memory of political violence, the impact of extractive industries and on transnational African trade. His regional expertise is in Angola and Mozambique.

Sarah Riebel on Myanmar

On the occasion of a vigil in solidarity with the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) and the people in Myanmar, which took place in Constance on March, 27, 2021, PhD candidate Sarah Riebel published an article on seemoz. She gives an overview on the seizure of power by the military junta in Myanmar and the violence the protestors are facing. Furthermore, she describes a measure suggested by the former UN special correspondent for Myanmar that depicts possibilities for the international community…

Die Lage in Myanmar

Benedict Mette-Starke spricht in einem Interview mit "radio eins" (30.03.2021) über die gegenwärtigen Proteste in Myanmar und den möglichen Einfluss der EU, Deutschland und den USA.