Journal articles (peer reviewed)


Beyer, Judith: Community as a category of empire: ‘The work of community’ among Burmese Indians in Myanmar In: History and Anthropology Vol. 34(4).

Beyer, Judith: Perversion and the state. Lacan, de Sade and why '120 Days of Sodom' is now French national heritage. In: European Journal of Psychoanalysis Vol. 10(1).


Beyer, Judith: The common sense of expert activists: practitioners, scholars, and the problem of statelessness in Europe. In: Dialectical Anthropology.


Judith Beyer und Felix Girke: The State of Custom: Gerd Spittler’s “Dispute settlement in the shadow of Leviathan” (1980) today for Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie

Staatsterror in Myanmar: Ein Land im Widerstand (with Felix Girke)
In Blätter für Deutsche und Internationale Politik (April). pp. 33-36.


Introduction. Practices of traditionalization in Central Asia (with Peter Finke).

In Beyer, Judith and Peter Finke (eds.): Special Issue of Central Asia Survey "Practices of traditionalization in Central Asia", Vol. 38 (3). pp. 310-328.

Women of protest, men of applause. Political activism, gender and tradition in Kyrgyzstan.  (with Aijarkyn Kojobekova).

In Beyer, Judith and Peter Finke (eds.): Special Issue of Central Asia Survey "Practices of traditionalization in Central Asia", Vol. 38 (3). pp. 329-345.
The co-written article has been reported about in the Russian-language news outlet .


'Transition' as a migratory model in Myanmar (with Felix Girke)

Journal of Burma Studies, Vol. 22 (2). pp. 215-241.

Den Staat (ver-)fassen. Verfassungspolitik und Verfassungsglaube in Kirgistan und Myanmar.

Verfassung und Recht in Übersee / Law and Politics in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Vol. 51 (1). pp. 36-53.


Constitutional faith. Law and hope in revolutionary Kyrgyzstan.

In Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology, Vol. 80 (3). pp. 320-345.

 Practicing harmony ideology. Ethnographic reflections on community and coercion. (with Felix Girke)

In Perl, Jeffrey (ed.) Special issue of Common Knowledge "Peace by other means. Symposium on the role of ethnography and the humanities in the understanding, prevention, and resolution of enmity. Part 3", Vol. 21 (2). pp. 196-235.

Finding the law in Myanmar.

Anthropology Today, Vol. 31 (4). pp.3-7.


Ordering ideals. Accomplishing well-being in a Kyrgyz cooperative of elders. 

In: Montgomery, David W. (ed.) Special issue of Central Asian Survey "Negotiating well-being in Central Asia",  Vol. 32 (4). pp. 432-447.


Settling descent. Place-making and genealogy in Talas, Kyrgyzstan.

In: Reeves,Madeleine (ed.) Special Issue of Central Asian Survey "Movement, power and place in Central Asia" Vol. 30 (3-4). pp. 455-468.


Revitalisation, invention and continued existence of the Kyrgyz aksakal courts: Listening to pluralistic accounts of history.

In: Benda-Beckmann, Franz von and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann (eds.) Special Issue of The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law "Dynamics of plural legal orders" Vol. 53/54. pp. 141-175.