Workshop: Shaping Life in Germany

The second workshop of the Hilde Domin Training Programme at the University of Konstanz is centered around the scholarship holders life in Germany. The fellows are welcomed by Dr. Cordula Woeste, visiting from the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community. Considering a historical perspective, Dr. Woestes talk is about the notion of “Heimat” and the department “Community, Cohesion and Democracy”. Furthermore, the University of Konstanz-based anthropologists, Dr. Maria Lidola and Dr. Lena Rose moderate the module “Anthropology of Germany” by presenting and jointly reflecting the students' submissions on “typical German elements of everyday life” and by encouraging a multimedia discussion on the content shown.

The second day of the workshop is reserved for an Open Space format, in which the current issues, relevant to the scholarship holders, are discussed in small groups and presented in a plenary at the end of the day. The discussions focus on topics such as the challenge of studying for a master’s or PhD in the structure of a so-far unknown academic system. Further topics are focusing on the own mental health in the context of forced migration, the key elements of successful integration in Germany and the multidimensional tasks that studying and getting to know the German language and bureaucracy are implementing for the fellows.

The last day of the workshop is opened by Dr. David Tchakoura, head of the Unit Konstanz International. He introduces his concept “Konstanz International City” and argues, why he prefers to talk about internationalization instead of “integration”. It is not about integrating “the others”, but about creating a living together and therefore acknowledging the cultural heterogeneity, in this case of Konstanz. Furthermore, the two additional offers „My Future Perspectives“ and „Academic Writing” are introduced. The workshop ends with an open plenary discussion, where the fellows and the organizational / academic teams have the chance to exchange about the programme.

- LD