Opening conference: Hilde Domin Training Programme

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer, Dr. Ulrich Wacker, Prof. Dr. Anke Hoeffler, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Seibel

From 2023 to 2025, a new cohort of the DAAD-funded “Hilde Domin Training Programme” starts in the month of March at the University of Konstanz. Around 50 to 60 fellows are travelling to Lake Constance from up to 12 federal states. After Prof Dr Judith Beyer, speaker of the training programme openes up the three-day-workshop with a poem by name-giving Hilde Domin, representatives of the rectorate of the University and of the German Academic Exchange Service address their words of welcome.  Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Seibel then continues with his welcome address, starting with the question, about whom the present programme is: about the organizers or about the participants? He pleades for integrating all the different academic backgrounds and the individual life stories of all people involved. Ultimately, Seibel stresses the absolute necessity to utterly condemn human rights violations and state-sponsored mass crimes.

The second day puts the participants, coming from ten different countries, with their personal interests and experiences as people, who came to Germany, into the focus. Supervised by trainers with experiential education, they work on individually chosen topics and on possibilities and challenges of teamwork and cooperation in small groups. The lessons learned and the expectations towards the programme content to follow are part of the concluding plenary session.

The third and last day is opened by Dr Maria Lidola and Dr Lena Rose, anthropologists from Konstanz. They introduce their hybrid and interactive seminar “Anthropology of Germany”, where they ask together with the students, what actually is meant by “being German” / “Germany”. Afterwards, in 2023 Prof Dr. Anke Hoeffler held a lecture on “Violence – Prevalence and Prevention” and showed data on different forms of violence– from terroristic to interpersonal violence – worldwide. Furthermore, she gave examples of solution approaches to reduce violence. In 2024, Prof Dr Meg Crofoot introduced her field of studies and her research on interactive behviour of individuals within animal societies with her lecture "A collective Ecology – Tracking how complex societies emerge & function".

In the online phase to follow after the semester start, the fellows will attend courses on academic education in the social sciences section and will have courses on personal training and intercultural competencies.


[Translate to Englisch:] Auftaktveranstaltung am 22.03.2023

Watch the Welcome Address of the Hilde Domin Training Programme in Constance on March, 22nd 2023:


  • Welcome Notes
    • Prof Dr Katharina Holzinger - University of Konstanz - Rector
    • Dr. Christian Hülshörster - German Academic Exchange Service
  • Keynote: Prof Dr Wolfgang Seibel - University of Konstanz
  • Programme Introduction - Contents, Lecturers & Blended Learning Concept
  • Team Hilde Domin Training Programme

The opening conference was recorded by KIM.LR | Lecture Recording & Media Production .