Dr. Lena Rose

Dr Lena Rose works on political and legal anthropology, as well as the anthropology of religion. Her research foci are migration, asylum law and policy, religious minorities, religious conversion, globalisation and transnational religious networks, with a geographical focus on, and extensive fieldwork experience in, Europe and the Middle East.

Her habilitation project "Christianity on Trial: Asylum, Conversion, and the Modern Nation-State" examines the tension between power, culture and religion in European asylum processes of asylum seekers who have converted to Christianity. To this end, Lena Rose conducted ethnographic field research at administrative courts, churches, and law firms. Research on this was made possible between 2019-2022 by a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford.

Lena Rose completed her PhD at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford (2019), after completing an MSc Migration Studies at the Department of International Development (Oxford). Lena Rose completed her BA in English Language, Literature, and Culture and Political Science at the University of Heidelberg and the University of Leeds. She co-founded the Migration Network Oxford and led the network between 2017 and 2019. Lena Rose is a Research Associate at the Centre on Migration, Policy, and Society and the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies in Oxford.



Diaspora Devotion: Ethnologische Annäherung an Religion und Migration (BA Projektseminar)

WiSe 2023-24

Recht und Religion: eine ethnologische Einführung (BA)

Schlüsseltexte der Ethnologie (BA)

SoSe 2023

Migration und Religion (BA Projektseminar)

WiSe 2022-23

Critical Human Rights (MA)

Schlüsseltexte der Ethnologie (BA)

List of publications (selection)

Monograph, In print:

Palestinian Evangelicals and Global Evangelicalism: an Ethnography of Unequal Encounter, Oxford University Press.

Essays, book chapters, editorships

In preparation:

„Finding the True Convert: Tensions between Church and State in Asylum Appeal Hearings based on Conversion to Christianity”, in Vorbereitung für eine Special Issue in Social and Legal Studies, gemeinsame Herausgeberschaft mit Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer.


Asylum and Conversion from Islam to Christianity in Europe: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Sammelband für Bloomsbury Academic, gemeinsame Herausgeberschaft mit Dr. Ebru Öztürk.


„Asylum Adjudications on the Basis of Religious Conversion”, geladener Beitrag für Oxford Handbook on Religion and Contemporary Migration, Oxford University Press (Hrsg. E. Fiddian-Qasmiyeh and A. Rowlands).


„What is truth? - negotiating Christian convert asylum seekers’ credibility”, in Special Issue „A Socio-Cognitive Approach to Social Diversity: The Implications of Studying Intergroup Cooperation in a Mobile World”, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (Hrsg. Susan Fiske, Douglas Massey, Ilka Varie-Lavoisier) [mit Z. Given-Wilson].


„Nazareth Village and the Creation of the ‘Holy Land’ in Israel-Palestine”, Current Anthropology 61(3): 335-355. DOI: doi.org/10.1086/708762.

„Palestinian Evangelicals – A Theologically Engaged Anthropological Approach”, Ethnos (Special Issue on Theologically Engaged Anthropology), DOI: doi.org/10.1080/00141844.2019.1641534.

„High skilled migration through the lens of policy”, Migration Studies 8(3): 279–306. DOI: doi.org/10.1093/migration/mny037 [mit C. Parsons, S. Rojon, F. Samanani].


„Case comment: What Kind of Christianity? A. v. Switzerland”, Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 7(3): 543–550. DOI: 10.1093/ojlr/rwy044 [mit D. Thebault].

„Geometries of ‘Global’ Evangelicalism”, Global Networks 19(1): 86-100. DOI:10.1111/glob.12211.


„Who Counts in Crises? The New Geopolitics of International Migration and Refugee Governance”, Geopolitics 23(1): 217-243, DOI: 10.1080/14650045.2017.1327740 [mit W.  Allen, B. Anderson, N. Van Hear, M. Sumption, F. Düvell, J. Hough, R. Humphris, und S. Walker].



„Churches Aren't Helping Asylum Seekers 'Game' the Immigration System”, The Conversation, 3.12.2021.

Interview zu Konversion und Asyl, BBC Radio 4 Sunday Programme, 21.11.2021.

Interview zu Konversion und Asyl, BBC 4 World at One mit Sarah Montague, 17.11.2021.

„The Global Circulation of the [national] Blessing”. Digitale Installation für The Christian Nation Project (Hrsg. Naomi Haynes) [mit C. Lukasik, Sarah Bakker Kellogg, Heather Melqvist Letho, Mark Porter, Angelo Vasco].