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Prize for Open Science

The Ministry of Science Baden-Württemberg awarded the Prize for Open Science to the tandem project for refugee integration TASK organized by Elisabeth Maué (University of Konstanz), Barbara Ette (Landkreis Konstanz), Paul Glasßner (Beschäftigungsgesellschaft Lkrs. Konstanz gGmbH), and Jan Vollmar (IHK Hochrhein-Bodensee).

Recently published

Degen, Daniel, Theresa Kuhn, and Wouter van der Brug (2018). Granting immigrants access to social benefits? How self-interest influences support for welfare state restrictiveness. Journal of European Social Policy: Online First.

Recently published:

LUBBERS, Marcel, Claudia DIEHL, Theresa KUHN, Christian Albrekt LARSEN, 2018. Migrants' support for welfare state spending in Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands.


Prof. Thomas Bauer, Prof. Claudia Diehl and the Minister of State Widmann-Mauz present on the German Federal Press Conference the integration barometer of the Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration (SVR).

Recently published

Diehl, C. and N. Granato (2018), "Germany: Intergenerational inequalities in the education system and the labour market for native-born children of immigrants from Turkey and the former Yugoslavia", in Catching Up? Country Studies on Intergenerational Mobility and Children of Immigrants, OECD Publishing, Paris,