Current news



Schedule of Lectures at EHESS

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer received a fellowship at the renowned "l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales" (EHESS) in Paris. Now the schedule of her lectures has been published.

Judith Beyer is EHESS fellow

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer received a fellowship at the renowned "l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales" (EHESS) in Paris.

New Edition "Arbeitsmarktsoziologie"

The 3rd, completely revised and extended edition of the volume "Arbeitsmarktsoziologie" has just been published as eBook and print edition (Springer Publishing, July 2018)

Recently published

Diehl, Claudia/Auspurg, Katrin/Hinz, Thomas (2018): Who Is Afraid of Skilled Migrants from Europe? Exploring Support for Immigration Control in Switzerland. Swiss Journal of Sociology 44(1): 59-88 (open access)

Vertretung für Prof. Judith Beyer

In den kommenden beiden Semestern wird Prof. Judith Beyer ein Fellowship am Kulturwissenschaftlichen Kolleg der Universität Konstanz wahrnehmen, um an ihrem Buch "Communal Sense. Religion, Property and Corporate Others in Myanmar" zu schreiben.