Current news

Published online:

The fundamental role of tax systems in the relationship between workfare and inequality in the lower half of the income distribution

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Published in Frontiers

Changes of Self-Rated Health Status, Overweight and Physical Activity During Childhood and Adolescence—The Ratchet Effect of High Parental Socioeconomic Status

[Translate to Englisch:] Dr. Frank Oberzaucher

Symposium about the future of office work

On Thursday, January 27 from 9:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., Medical Mountains GmbH will host an online human resources symposium on "Breaking the Wave of Layoffs - Rethinking Human Resources."


Zum 01. April 2022 ist eine Stelle als Akademische:r Mitarbeiter:in (w/m/d) in der Arbeitsgruppe „Ethnologie mit Schwerpunkt politische Anthropologie“ von Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer ausgeschrieben.