Current Research Projects

Projekt "Migrants’ Welfare State Attitudes" (MIFARE)


This research proposal is among the first to focus on migrants’ attitudes towards the welfare state. In Europe, the field of research on welfare state attitudes has ignored the perspective of migrants almost completely. Due to migrants’ socialization in different welfare regimes, and their often disadvantaged socio-economic positions, the migrant perspective provides a unique opportunity to test the central theories in the field on the role of self-interest, group-loyalty and of socialization in different welfare regimes.

Forschungsfragen / Ziele

We aim to study migrants’ welfare state attitudes, and to explain differences across migrant groups, as well as differences compared to the overall public opinion in the country of origin and the host country. With this innovative focus we answer questions that cut across the call’s themes of ‘People and the welfare state’, ‘Inequalities and diversity’ and ‘Future politics’. We rely on existing cross-national datasets such as the ISSP. However, we also propose a harmonized and unique data collection among migrants in the destination countries Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands.

We composed a team with expertise on data collection among migrants, on public opinion research, and expertise on welfare state attitudes in particular. The project offers five young researchers (3 postdocs and 2 PhDs) the opportunity to continue or start their academic career including the opportunity to spend some time in another country involved in the project. The investment in this project will result in two dissertations, five research articles by each of the postdocs and a book compiled by the seniors involved. The unique focus on migrants provides both the academic community and policy makers with insights on new groups in society.


DFG / Norface (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe)

Projekt- und Kooperationspartner:

Marcel Lubbers, Universität Nijmegen (Principal Investigator)

Prof. Dr. Christian Albrekt Larsen, Aalborg University

Prof. Dr. Theresa Kuhn, University of Amsterdam


Dr. Verena Seibel

Daniel Degen, M.A.

Projekt "Einstellungen zur Flüchtlingssituation" (EZFS)

Die Umfrage "Einstellungen zur Flüchtlingssituation" (EZFS) ist ein wissenschaftliches Forschungsprojekt der Universität Konstanz (Dr. Verena Seibel). Im Mittelpunkt steht das Thema Zuwanderung und Flüchtlinge. In den letzten Jahren haben sich viele Menschen aus unterschiedlichsten Gründen auf den Weg nach Deutschland gemacht. Dies hat viele Fragen in der Bevölkerung aufgeworfen, die sowohl die Politik als auch die Gesellschaft betreffen.

Wir möchten herausfinden, wie die Menschen in Deutschland über die Situation denken. Im Fokus stehen dabei Fragen zu der aktuellen Situation und wie mit dieser umgegangen werden soll.


Dr. Verena Seibel

Daniel Degen, M.A.

How does the human mind process computer generated images?

The German Research Foundation has approved funding worth € 8m for the new transregional collaborative research centre "TRR 161"  The project, which is given the title "Quantitative Methods for Visual Computing", is concerned with the computer-assisted processing and representation of image information. Prof. Dr. Oliver Deussen from the University of Konstanz is vice speaker of the collaborative research center.