Team Asssistant

Sylvia Seminara

She graduated in Business Administration  and is a foreign language secretary at the Department for Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Konstanz.

Before coming to the University of Konstanz, she worked with enterprises in Germany and in France within international projects. She finished an apprenticeship as industrial clerk for Europe,  studied Business Administration and Economics as well as drama teaching and acting.

Her thesis, focused on marketing, dealt with “Ingredient Branding using the example of an automotive supplier”.  As actress, director and drama teacher she is involved in different artistic projects.


Fehrmann, Sarah E., Schneckenburger, Katrin & Seminara, Sylvia (2020): " Theater bedeutet Freiheit! Theaterpädagogik im Jugendstrafvollzug."
Unsere Jugend, 5, S. 218-225, Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, München.

Schneckenburger, Katrin; Seminara, Sylvia (2020): "Blickwinkel Theaterpädagogik, Schauspielkunst & kreative Schreibwerkstatt in der JVA Heinsberg.", Zeitschrift für Jugendkriminalrecht und Jugendhilfe (ZJJ) 4,
S. 391-398, Deutsche Vereinigung für Jugendgerichte und Jugendgerichtshilfen (DVJJ), Hannover.

Schneckenburger, Katrin; Seminara, Sylvia (2021): DGS, Die Grüne Stunde, Hashtag 44, Septe "Braucht Gefängnis mehr Theater?"Podcast

Schneckenburger, Katrin; Seminara, Sylvia (2021): "Theater ist Arbeit - oder was soll das ganze Theater hinter Gefängnismauern?", BAG-S Informationsdienst Straffälligenhilfe, Infodienst Heft 3/2021 - Arbeit und Haft, Bonn.