
New edited volume in Routledge's Central Asian Studies series by Prof Judith Beyer and Prof Peter Finke

In this volume Judith Beyer and Peter Finke regard tradition as a practice that needs to be explored in its institutional and interactional context at a particular time, rather than as a reliable guide to the past: tradition can only be judged from the present; it is an interpretative concept, not a descriptive one. While the scholarly debate has so far centered on what tradition entails and what it does not, including the question of invention and ownership, less attention has been devoted to…




New edited volume in Routledge's Central Asian Studies series by Prof Judith Beyer and Prof Peter Finke

In this volume Judith Beyer and Peter Finke regard tradition as a practice that needs to be explored in its institutional and interactional context at a particular time, rather than as a reliable guide to the past: tradition can only be judged from the present; it is an interpretative concept, not a descriptive one. While the scholarly debate has so far centered on what tradition entails and what it does not, including the question of invention and ownership, less attention has been devoted to…

VEUK-Preis für Ole Brüggemann

Ole Brüggemann wurde am 7. Februar mit dem VEUK-Preis für herausragende Leistungen im Studium ausgezeichnet. Die Preisverleihung fand im Rahmen des Neujahrsempfangs des Vereins der Ehemaligen der Universität Konstanz e.V. statt.


24. bis 25. Januar 2020 – What challenges from anthropotechnics?

Harmony Ideology at The Hague

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer and Dr. Felix Girke discuss the hearings of the ongoing international legal dispute over genocide accusations, The Gambia vs Myanmar, at the International Court of Justice on Dec. 10-12, 2019.

They address in detail the role of Myanmar’s “Agent”, Aung San Suu Kyi, who left the more legalistic arguments to the specialists, and challenged the legitimacy of the case on the basis of "harmony ideology".

Preis für offene Wissenschaft

Das Wissenschaftsministerium Baden-Württemberg hat am 4.12.2019 den Sonderpreis "Preis für offene Wissenschaft"

an Elisabeth Maué und ihre Kooperationspartner Barbara Ette (Lkrs. Konstanz), Paul Glaßner (Beschäftigungsgesellschaft Lkrs. Konstanz gGmbH) und Jan Vollmar (IHK Hochrhein-Bodensee) verliehen.

'Aung San Suu Kyi at the International Court of Justice'

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer and Dr. Felix Girke on the upcoming hearings at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Myanmar’s leader personally faces allegations while avoiding the task of changing the country’s trajectory.