Current news

Vigil for Myanmar in Constance

On Saturday, March 27, the working group of Prof. Judith Beyer organised a vigil at the Münsterplatz in Constance in solidarity with the people in Myanmar who are suffering under increasing violence after a military coup took place on February 01. At the vigil, coordinated by PhD candidate Sarah Riebel, participants also commemorated the hundreds of victims of the protest and expressed their support for the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) in Myanmar. Also, three women from Myanmar, all living…

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Benedict-Mette Starke on digital conduct concerning Myanmar

In two posts on the blog „Tea Circle. A Forum for New Perspectives on Burma/Myanmar”, Benedict Mette-Starke describes the risks the coup poses for activists using digital media. While those media can be used to keep in touch, using them entails risks at the same time. He draws on a Myanmar language risk mitigation guide to draw out those risks and the digital security measures to counter them. Benedict Mette-Starke argues in what way those risks also affect people outside Myanmar but concerned…

Update on the situation in Myanmar

On March 12 Prof. Beyer was interviewed by “rbb inforadio” on the topic „Vom Militär verhängter Ausnahmezustand in Myanmar“ [state of emergency imposed by the military in Myanmar] and talked about the demonstrations that have superseded the everyday life of the local population since February 1. Despite the rising violence by the military, that amount to crimes against humanity, people continue taking to the streets. Mediation offers coming from international actors send the wrong signal, as…

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer on ARD-alpha

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer was interviewed for ARD “alpha-demokratie” [alpha-democracy]. She contextualised the military coup of February 01 and its consequences. She answered questions on the geographic, economic and demographic backgrounds in Myanmar and on the person of state counsellor and NLD-leader Aung San Suu Kyi and her role in the country. Her iconic perception, also in western countries, was examined critically by Prof. Beyer, particularly in regard to the question of ethnicity in general…

Prof. Beyer on Al Jazeera

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer was interviewed on Al Jazeera English on the current situation in Myanmar. In the conversation she reported on the rising violence by the military and on the civil disobedience-movement of the protestors. She furthermore talked about parallels to other protest movements taking place in Southeast Asia and India. These are examples of transnational and transcultural solidarity and of activist cooperation fighting for democracy.

Carolin Hirsch on “99 ZU EINS”

In a conversation with “99 ZU EINS”, Carolin Hirsch gave background information regarding Myanmar's current protest movement. The country had witnessed a coup d'etat on February 1 and since then, hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets.

Prof. Beyer auf 'Radio Eins'

In einem Radiointerview auf 'Radio Eins Rbb' am 13.02.2021 berichtete Prof. Beyer darüber, dass Personen aus der ganzen sozialen Bandbreite der Bevölkerung Myanmars gegen den Militärputsch und für die Demokratie auf die Straße gehen.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Judith Beyer on the military coup in Myanmar

Judith Beyer published an article on “openDemocracy” on civilian resistance against the military´s takeover by Myanmar´s army and the people’s use of social media as a way to protest.

Current news

Vigil for Myanmar in Constance

On Saturday, March 27, the working group of Prof. Judith Beyer organised a vigil at the Münsterplatz in Constance in solidarity with the people in Myanmar who are suffering under increasing violence after a military coup took place on February 01. At the vigil, coordinated by PhD candidate Sarah Riebel, participants also commemorated the hundreds of victims of the protest and expressed their support for the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) in Myanmar. Also, three women from Myanmar, all living…

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Benedict-Mette Starke on digital conduct concerning Myanmar

In two posts on the blog „Tea Circle. A Forum for New Perspectives on Burma/Myanmar”, Benedict Mette-Starke describes the risks the coup poses for activists using digital media. While those media can be used to keep in touch, using them entails risks at the same time. He draws on a Myanmar language risk mitigation guide to draw out those risks and the digital security measures to counter them. Benedict Mette-Starke argues in what way those risks also affect people outside Myanmar but concerned…

Update on the situation in Myanmar

On March 12 Prof. Beyer was interviewed by “rbb inforadio” on the topic „Vom Militär verhängter Ausnahmezustand in Myanmar“ [state of emergency imposed by the military in Myanmar] and talked about the demonstrations that have superseded the everyday life of the local population since February 1. Despite the rising violence by the military, that amount to crimes against humanity, people continue taking to the streets. Mediation offers coming from international actors send the wrong signal, as…

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer on ARD-alpha

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer was interviewed for ARD “alpha-demokratie” [alpha-democracy]. She contextualised the military coup of February 01 and its consequences. She answered questions on the geographic, economic and demographic backgrounds in Myanmar and on the person of state counsellor and NLD-leader Aung San Suu Kyi and her role in the country. Her iconic perception, also in western countries, was examined critically by Prof. Beyer, particularly in regard to the question of ethnicity in general…

Prof. Beyer on Al Jazeera

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer was interviewed on Al Jazeera English on the current situation in Myanmar. In the conversation she reported on the rising violence by the military and on the civil disobedience-movement of the protestors. She furthermore talked about parallels to other protest movements taking place in Southeast Asia and India. These are examples of transnational and transcultural solidarity and of activist cooperation fighting for democracy.

Carolin Hirsch on “99 ZU EINS”

In a conversation with “99 ZU EINS”, Carolin Hirsch gave background information regarding Myanmar's current protest movement. The country had witnessed a coup d'etat on February 1 and since then, hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets.

Prof. Beyer auf 'Radio Eins'

In einem Radiointerview auf 'Radio Eins Rbb' am 13.02.2021 berichtete Prof. Beyer darüber, dass Personen aus der ganzen sozialen Bandbreite der Bevölkerung Myanmars gegen den Militärputsch und für die Demokratie auf die Straße gehen.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Judith Beyer on the military coup in Myanmar

Judith Beyer published an article on “openDemocracy” on civilian resistance against the military´s takeover by Myanmar´s army and the people’s use of social media as a way to protest.