Current news



[Translate to Englisch:]

Judith Beyer on the military coup in Myanmar

Judith Beyer published an article on “openDemocracy” on civilian resistance against the military´s takeover by Myanmar´s army and the people’s use of social media as a way to protest.

Judith Beyer speaks on Al Jazeera

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer reported on the status of human rights in the programme ”Why are human rights defenders being targeted?” in the show “Inside Story” on Al Jazeera on 05.02.21.

Judith Beyer zum Militärputsch in Myanmar

"Im Namen der Stabilität"

In dem taz-Artikel über den Notstand in Myanmar berichtet Judith Beyer von der momentanen Lage der Bevölkerung, den Reaktionen der übrigen Asean-Staaten, Möglichkeiten der Einflussnahme durch die internationale Gemeinschaft sowie den Formen des Widerstands ‚zuhause’ durch die EinwohnerInnen Yangons.

Carolin Hirsch on MyanmarMemo: Becoming Rebel Punk

After her talk at the “Minorities in Myanmar” conference in October 2020 Carolin Hirsch now publishes further insights to her PhD-project in a blog post on MyanmarMemo. In the post she exemplifies her interlocutor’s lifestyles coming into being as activist lifestyles, taking her readership into one interlocutors personal biographic experiences.

Webinar-Serie zu Ehren der verstorbenen Rechtsanthropologin Prof Sally Engle Merry

Prof Judith Beyer co-organizes an Allegra Lab-series of webinars together with Prof. Julie Billaud (Geneva) and Dr. Agathe Mora (Sussex) in honour of Prof Sally Engle Merry, legal anthropologist, who died in September 2020. The seminars are an opportunity for young and more established scholars to engage in vigorous conversations on legal matters of critical relevance to contemporary societal debates.

Benedict Mette-Starke publishes on AllegraLab

Benedict Mette-Starke reports about his ethnographic perceptions and analysis of payment methods in Myanmar in the light of COVID-19 considering the anthropology of techniques.

Seminaranmeldung im WS 2020/21

Alle Studierende, die im Wintersemester 2020/21 Seminare bei Prof. Dr. Beyer belegen wollen, melden sich unbedingt vor Vorlesungsbeginn auf ILIAS im jeweiligen Kurs an. Die Kommunikation wird ausschließlich per Email via ILIAS stattfinden.

Current news



[Translate to Englisch:]

Judith Beyer on the military coup in Myanmar

Judith Beyer published an article on “openDemocracy” on civilian resistance against the military´s takeover by Myanmar´s army and the people’s use of social media as a way to protest.

Judith Beyer speaks on Al Jazeera

Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer reported on the status of human rights in the programme ”Why are human rights defenders being targeted?” in the show “Inside Story” on Al Jazeera on 05.02.21.

Judith Beyer zum Militärputsch in Myanmar

"Im Namen der Stabilität"

In dem taz-Artikel über den Notstand in Myanmar berichtet Judith Beyer von der momentanen Lage der Bevölkerung, den Reaktionen der übrigen Asean-Staaten, Möglichkeiten der Einflussnahme durch die internationale Gemeinschaft sowie den Formen des Widerstands ‚zuhause’ durch die EinwohnerInnen Yangons.

Carolin Hirsch on MyanmarMemo: Becoming Rebel Punk

After her talk at the “Minorities in Myanmar” conference in October 2020 Carolin Hirsch now publishes further insights to her PhD-project in a blog post on MyanmarMemo. In the post she exemplifies her interlocutor’s lifestyles coming into being as activist lifestyles, taking her readership into one interlocutors personal biographic experiences.

Webinar-Serie zu Ehren der verstorbenen Rechtsanthropologin Prof Sally Engle Merry

Prof Judith Beyer co-organizes an Allegra Lab-series of webinars together with Prof. Julie Billaud (Geneva) and Dr. Agathe Mora (Sussex) in honour of Prof Sally Engle Merry, legal anthropologist, who died in September 2020. The seminars are an opportunity for young and more established scholars to engage in vigorous conversations on legal matters of critical relevance to contemporary societal debates.

Benedict Mette-Starke publishes on AllegraLab

Benedict Mette-Starke reports about his ethnographic perceptions and analysis of payment methods in Myanmar in the light of COVID-19 considering the anthropology of techniques.

Seminaranmeldung im WS 2020/21

Alle Studierende, die im Wintersemester 2020/21 Seminare bei Prof. Dr. Beyer belegen wollen, melden sich unbedingt vor Vorlesungsbeginn auf ILIAS im jeweiligen Kurs an. Die Kommunikation wird ausschließlich per Email via ILIAS stattfinden.