Concluding Certificate Ceremony

The third and final face-to-face workshop of each cohort of the Hilde Domin Training Programme (HDTP) at the University of Konstanz takes place in February. The fellows receive their certificates for their participation in the programme. The workshop starts with the talk “Our shared intellectual journey” – an overview of all 16 webinars the fellows can participate in. In an interactive Miro session, all participants contribute their ‘lessons learned’, memorable moments, or the most surprising fact they encountered in each webinar. Within the following module “My future perspectives”, the participants learn about career options both inside and outside academia. This module is organized in cooperation with the Zukunftskolleg and the University of Konstanz Career Service.

The second day of the workshop is entirely devoted to spending time with experience-based pedagogical trainers whom the fellows had met already twice during our previous workshops. The topics under discussion reflect on future career possibilities but also grant space for discussing the challenges of everyday life and the process of adapting to the structures of German universities and institutions. After the programme at the university the scholars, the trainers and the HDTP-Team are invited to spend time together in a relaxed atmosphere, dining in the Kantine Konstanz and listening to music together during the farewell evening.

The final day begins with a lecture by Prof Dr Wolfgang Seibel on “Science diplomacy” in which he reflects, among others, on the possibilities and risks of upholding or cultivating academic connections to research institutions in authoritarian countries and on the power of cross-cultural cooperation in academia more general. In a concluding ceremony, the participants of the first cohort receive their certificates from the Vice-Rector for Teaching and from the academic team of the programme, Prof Dr Judith Beyer, Prof Dr Anke Hoeffler, and Prof Dr Wolfgang Seibel.


© photos: Judith Beyer, Leila Dedial.