New research project

From June 2024, the Research Working Group for Higher Education will be researching current challenges faced by students at German universities in a project funded by the BMBF. To this end, three rapid response surveys with survey experiments will be conducted, the findings of which will be published as an article. The project will run for one year. 

Latest Publication

Thomas Hinz, Anna Marczuk, Frank Multrus, 2024, Student Opinions on the Escalation of Violence in Israel and Gaza and Antisemitism at German Universities, Working Paper No. 17, Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality”, University of Konstanz.

Weeber, Franziska; Hinz, Thomas; Meyer, Jasmin; Multrus, Frank, 2024. Rule-based semi-automated coding procedure to classify fields of study in surveys among university students in Germany. Hefte für Bildungs- und Hochschulforschung 99. University of Konstanz.

Multrus F., Marczuk, A., Hinz, T. & Strauss, S. (2023). Studiensituation unter Onlinebedingungen. Studieren während der Corona-Pandemie 2021. Universität Konstanz, AG Hochschulforschung (Hrsg.). (Onlineversion, barrierefrei).