Rapid Response Research

Current research project

In the current research project, three rapid response surveys are being conducted with an open access panel on current challenges facing students at German universities. The topic of the first survey is “Knowledge, use, attitudes and evaluation of artificial intelligence in higher education”.


Projects already completed

These three surveys follow on from the two rapid response surveys already conducted by the Higher Education Research Working Group in 2023: 

Student Opinions on the Escalation of Violence in Israel and Gaza and Antisemitism at German Universities

In a second rapid response survey in December 2023, students and a comparably large sample of the general population were asked about their views on the escalation of violence in Israel and Gaza as well as anti-Semitic attitudes. A report on this was submitted in March 2024 and presented at a press conference by the Minister of Education and Research (BMBF) Bettina Stark-Watzinger on March 14, 2024.

Thomas Hinz, Anna Marczuk, Frank Multrus, 2024, Student Opinions on the Escalation of Violence in Israel and Gaza and Antisemitism at German Universities, Working Paper No. 17, Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality”, University of Konstanz.

Feasibility study

The study R3HighEd (rapid response research in higher education) has investigated whether a robust sample of students in Germany can be obtained by involving respondents of an online access panel who are incentivized for their participation according to the rules of the panel operators.

Hinz, Thomas/Mozer, Konstantin/Strauß, Susanne 2023: Durchführbarkeit und Qualität von rapid response research (R3HighEd) Umfragen bei Studierenden in Deutschland. Universität Konstanz (Bericht AG Hochschulforschung, pre-print, pdf Version).