Katharina Bodirsky, Ph.D.

Raum: F520
Telefon: +49 7531 88-5677
E-Mail: katharina.bodirsky@uni-konstanz.de

dienstags 13-14 Uhr

Scientific Career

Katharina Bodirsky is a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer in the research group ethnology and cultural anthropology directed by Thomas G. Kirsch at the University of Konstanz. She also is a researcher in the international research program “Frontlines: Class, Value, and Social Transformation in 21st Century Capitalism” directed by Don Kalb at the University of Bergen, Norway. Before coming to Konstanz in 2017, she was assistant professor in the sociology department of Middle East Technical University in Ankara and co-ordinator of the Master’s program in Social Anthropology. She obtained her Ph.D. in anthropology from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY) in 2012.

Current Research

Her current research in the fields of economic and political anthropology focuses on the anthropology of the state, authoritarian populisms, value(s), dispossession, urban politics, solidarity economies, and the commons. She has conducted research in Germany and Turkey as well as on the European Union.

Kontakt / Contact

Katharina Bodirsky Ph.D.
Universität Konstanz / University of Konstanz
Fachbereich Geschichte und Soziologie/ Department of History and Sociology
Akademische Mitarbeiterin/ Postdoctoral researcher
Arbeitsgruppe Ethnologie und Kulturanthropologie / Division of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Fach 38 / Box 38
D-78457 Konstanz
Telefon /Phone: +49 7531 88-5677
Fax: +49 7531 88-3088
Email: katharina.bodirsky@uni-konstanz.de
Raum: F 520 / Room: F520

Researcher in the project "Frontlines: Class, Value, and Social Transformation in 21st
Century Capitalism," dir. Don Kalb, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen, Norway.


  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
  • Andere
10 / 12
  • Bodirsky, Katharina (2024): Dispossession as a Manifold : Frontlines of Authoritarian Populist Politics in Turkey KALB, Don, ed.. Insidious Capital : Frontlines of Value at the End of a Global Cycle. New York: Berghahn, 2024, pp. 180-210. Dislocations. 35. ISBN 978-1-80539-155-5. Available under: doi: 10.3167/9781805391555

    Dispossession as a Manifold : Frontlines of Authoritarian Populist Politics in Turkey



  • Bodirsky, Katharina (2023): The New Commons ALDENDERFER, Mark, ed.. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023. Available under: doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190854584.013.351

    The New Commons


    Traditionally, the notion of the commons refers to long-standing common-pool resources such as forests, meadows, or fisheries that are managed communally. By now, the term is used for the communal production and management of almost any material or immaterial resource. “New commons” can include—for example—co-produced knowledge, shared urban space such as housing or community gardens, or communities of care. They are defined less by the particular resource they use than by specific social relations of “commoning”: relatively open, egalitarian, and democratic relations of co-production and co-use by a community of “commoners.”

    The (new) commons are a central hope for many activists and activist scholars that seek to work toward a postcapitalist future beyond the market and the state and related modes of sexist and racist domination. They are often associated with autonomist, anarchist, and neo-Marxist political practice and thought. Commons imaginaries are moreover central to critiques of neoliberalism and to initiatives that seek to carve out alternative spaces for social and cultural reproduction in an increasingly commodified world. Of particular importance in the literature are urban commons, with cities being key sites both of neoliberal enclosure and of contemporary social movements that practice commoning.

    Ethnographers are increasingly exploring the complexity of actually existing commons, which often do not easily conform to commoning ideals. Such commons can be prone to co-optation into capitalist processes or have difficulties in maintaining egalitarian relations in communities open to difference. They often stand in ambivalent relation rather than clear opposition to the state. At the same time, anthropologists emphasize how commoning enables new experiences of personhood, sociality, and commonality.

    While approaches to traditional and to new commons generally differ in central questions and conceptual tools, a possible point of connection is in a shared concern with planetary futures. While much of the literature on the traditional commons is concerned with the sustainable management of natural resources, many “new” commoning initiatives seek to enact postcapitalist relations to nature that are nonexploitative and recognizant of multispecies connections.

  • Bodirsky, Katharina (2022): Activist Anthropology CARRIER, James, ed.. A Handbook of Economic Anthropology. third edition. Cheltenham, UK: Edgar Elgar, 2022. ISBN 978-1-83910-891-4

    Activist Anthropology



  • Bodirsky, Katharina (2021): Making and breaking alliances : on valuation in hegemonic projects Dialectical Anthropology. Springer. 2021, 45(1), pp. 65-80. ISSN 0304-4092. eISSN 1573-0786. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s10624-020-09585-3

    Making and breaking alliances : on valuation in hegemonic projects


    In public discourse, the polarizations that accompany the success of authoritarian populisms in recent years are often portrayed as the result of “culture wars” rooted in incompatible values. This article approaches the relation between values and politics differently. It examines the role that state and capitalist modes of valuation play for the alliance-formation underpinning hegemonic projects. The argument is illustrated with the case of Turkey where processes of devaluation and dispossession were manifold in the past years. Polarization here expresses not so much unitary political identities of opposed values than a specific, polarizing dynamic of alliance-formation in authoritarian populism. The orchestration of state and capitalist modes of valuation on the one hand allows for the formation of alliances with both dominant and subordinate social groups and on the other hand also entails contradictions that might constitute a source of fragility for the continuity of the project.

  • Stoica, Georgeta; Eckert, Julia; Bodirsky, Katharina; Hirslund, Dan V. (2019): Precarity without borders : visions of hope, shared responsibilities and possible responses Social Anthropology. 2019, 27(S2), pp. 78-96. ISSN 0964-0282. eISSN 1469-8676. Available under: doi: 10.1111/1469-8676.12700

    Precarity without borders : visions of hope, shared responsibilities and possible responses



    dc.contributor.author: Stoica, Georgeta; Eckert, Julia; Hirslund, Dan V.

  • Bodirsky, Katharina (2018): The commons, property, and ownership : suggestions for further discussion Focaal : Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology. 2018(81), pp. 121-130. ISSN 0920-1297. eISSN 1558-5263. Available under: doi: 10.3167/fcl.2018.810109

    The commons, property, and ownership : suggestions for further discussion


    In response to the theme section on commoning in the December 2017 issue of Focaal, this article raises further questions for discussion and proposes an analytics of the commons that grasps it through the lens of property regimes. The key question concerns how we might best envision the relation of the commons/ commoning to the state, capitalism, and commonality in a way that does justice to both a broadly Leftist politics of the commons and an analysis of really existing commons that might deviate from this ideal. The conceptual lens of property regimes proposed here focuses empirical attention on relations of production and the organization of membership and ownership in the commons without including a particular politics into the definition as such.

  • Göçer Akder, Derya; Ergenç, Ceren; Mücen, Barış; Bodirsky, Katharina; Asal, Faik Tekin (2017): Bir Kavram ve Yöntem olarak Bağlantılılık : Nedir, Nasil Çalışılır? ERGENÇ, Ceren, ed., Derya GÖÇER AKDER, ed.. "Uluslararası" Kavramını Yeniden Düşünmek : Kuramsal ye Yöntemsel Tartışmalar. Ankara: Heretik, 2017, pp. 19-44. ISBN 9786059436229

    Bir Kavram ve Yöntem olarak Bağlantılılık : Nedir, Nasil Çalışılır?



    dc.contributor.author: Göçer Akder, Derya; Ergenç, Ceren; Mücen, Barış; Asal, Faik Tekin

  • Bodirsky, Katharina (2017): Between equal rights force decides? : Contested place-making and the right to the city City : Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action. 2017, 21(5), pp. 672-681. ISSN 1360-4813. eISSN 1470-3629. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13604813.2017.1374773

    Between equal rights force decides? : Contested place-making and the right to the city


    This paper presents a sympathetic critique of a right to the city perspective that sets up a binary between city inhabitants who actively produce and appropriate city space for its use value as opposed to those who expropriate urban space for realizing exchange value. It suggests that this tends to gloss over the actual divisions among users of city space and their complicity with forces of capital and the state that constitute real limits for the urban revolution that the right to the city envisions. It then argues that an analytics of contested place-making, including practices of commoning, can both include the central conflict that is important to the rights to the city perspective and overcome the limitations of a rights framework.

  • Bodirsky, Katharina (2016): From the "state-idea" to "politically organized subjection" : Revisiting Abrams in times of crisis in Turkey and EU-Europe Focaal : Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology. 2016, 2016(75), pp. 121-129. ISSN 0920-1297. eISSN 1558-5263. Available under: doi: 10.3167/fcl.2016.750109

    From the "state-idea" to "politically organized subjection" : Revisiting Abrams in times of crisis in Turkey and EU-Europe



  • Bodirsky, Katharina (2015): Nach der Krise wie vor der Krise? : Die Antwort der EU Strukturfondspolitik auf ungleiche regionale Entwicklung Emanzipation : Zeitschrift für sozialistische Theorie und Praxis. 2015, 5(1), pp. 54-68. ISSN 2192-2837

    Nach der Krise wie vor der Krise? : Die Antwort der EU Strukturfondspolitik auf ungleiche regionale Entwicklung


    Die ungleiche Entwicklung innerhalb des Euroraums war ein wichtiger Faktor bei der Entstehung der Eurokrise, die wiederum Ungleichheiten zwischen den Regionen verstärkt hat. Weiterhin hat Austeritätspolitik zur Verschärfung von sozialen Ungleichheiten innerhalb von Regionen beigetragen. Auf EU-Ebene soll die EU-Kohäsionspolitik – und hier insbesondere der Europäische Fonds für Regionalentwicklung (EFRE) und der Europäische Sozialfonds (ESF), die sogenannten EU-Strukturfonds – solch ungleicher Entwicklung gegensteuern. Wenn die Finanzkrise im Hinblick auf Disparitätenentwicklung tatsächlich die «Profite der Gewinner und zugleich die Verluste der Verlierer überproportional verstärkt», stellt sich also die Frage, ob und wie die EU-Kohäsionspolitik darauf reagiert. Dieser Artikel geht der Frage unter anderem durch eine Gegenüberstellung der Förderperioden 2007–2013 und 2014–2020 nach. Es gilt einen fundamentalen Widerspruch in der EU-Kohäsionspolitik herausstreichen. Zum einen hat die Kohäsionspolitik nämlich den Auftrag, wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und territorialen Zusammenhalt in der EU gerade auch durch den Abbau regionaler Ungleichheiten zu erreichen. Zum anderen allerdings ist sie eingebettet in einen makro- und regionalpolitischen Kontext, der räumliche Ungleichheiten befördert. Die EU-Kohäsionspolitik hat sich, wie ich in diesem Artikel darstelle, verstärkt auf letzteren Pol innerhalb diesen Widerspruchs zubewegt – Ausgleich bleibt hinter Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zurück.

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