Workshop 2012

AG Hochschulforschung + FREREF Réseau Uni 21

Beyond Employability: Citizenship and Responsibility in Higher Education

VI. International Workshop at the University of Konstanz
November 15th – 17th 2012


Thursday, November 15th 2012

Arrival and starting

19:30h Introductions and presentation of the Research Groups
20:00h Welcome Dinner

Friday, November 16th 2012


Address of welcome
Prof. Ulrich Rüdiger, Rector of the University of Konstanz

Outline and opening of the workshop
Tino Bargel, Prof. Werner Georg, Monika Schmidt,
AG Hochschulforschung, University of Konstanz


Introductory lesson:
Does university promote moral-democratic competence, and how can it?
Prof. Georg Lind, University of Konstanz

10:30h Coffee break
10:45h Justice through education. The attitude of French students to social objectives
Dr. Laurent Lima and Dr. Alain Fernex, UPMF Grenoble, France
11:30h Being a student in Morocco
Prof. Mohammed Talbi and Prof. Abdelmjid Bouziane, University Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco
12:00h Academic outputs and citizenship: is the social and political integration a factor of success during higher studies?
Jean-François Stassen and Piera dell’Ambrogio, University of Geneva, Switzerland
12:45h Lunch

Pro-social motivations among mid-career students in Barcelona
Prof. Helena Troiano, UAB, Barcelona, Spain

14:45h Bourgeois and Citoyens: Challenges for the University and its Graduates
Dr. Helmut Guggenberger, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
15:00h Value Orientation and political participation in Urkaine
Prof. Andrii Gorbachyk and Prof. Volodymyr Sudakov, Taras-Shevchenko-University, Kyiv, Ukraine
15:45h Coffee break
16:00h Reforming Higher Education in Europe. Qualifying for the Labour Market?
Some Views with Implementing Employability in Germany
Dr. Peter Zervakis, HRK, Bonn, Germany
16:30h Employability or Scientific Orientation? The case of the "new" universities of applied sciences in Switzerland
Prof. Karl Weber, ZUW, Bern, Switzerland
16:45h Employability and Higher Education in the Money Society
Prof. Paul Kellermann, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
17:30h End of session

Saturday, November 17th 2012

9:00h Studying abroad: Only an increase in individual employability skills, or a step towards European integration?
Dr. Heike Behle, Warwick IER, Coventry, Great Britain
9:45h Inequality and participation to higher education in 23 European countries
Prof. Gabriele Ballarino, University of Milan, Italy
10:30h Coffee break

Transitions of students from education to the labour market in Lithuania: theoretical implications and empirical evidence
Prof. Ruta Braziene and Prof. Gediminas Merkys, KTU, Kaunas, Lithuania


Promoting social competencies and responsibility of students
Tino Bargel and Monika Schmidt, University of Konstanz


Outlook on further research and exchange


End of the workshop

